Build Your Own SMT Line - Tailored to Your Production Needs

Choose the right equipment for your PCB assembly process in just a few steps.

Ready to Build Your SMT Line?

Just enter your production requirements below, and we'll recommend the right SMT equipment for your assembly process. You'll even get a custom layout with equipment dimensions to help you plan your space. Prefer to talk? Reach out to Chris Ellis at 215.869.8374.

Want us to handle it for you?

Send your Bill of Materials (BOM) to Chris Ellis at, and we'll take care of the rest.

SMT Equipment Recommender

The information below is essential for determining the ideal SMT equipment line for your production. Enter your production requirements, and you'll receive personalized machine recommendations tailored to your needs.


Anticipated Volume Per Year: First, figure out the Total Number of Placements Per Board. Combine the placements on the top and bottom for each board and enter it below. Next, enter the Quantity of Each Board you need to product in one year.

The Target CPH You Need for Your Production is

Stencil Printer Recommendations

Pick and Place Recommendations

Reflow Oven Recommendations

Create an Equipment Layout with Machine Dimensions

Select the desired machines below to create an equipment layout.

Stencil Printers:

Pick & Place Machines:

Reflow Oven:

Add Inline Conveyors?

Add Magazine Loader & Unloader?

Share Your Equipment Plan

Share your equipment recommendations and layouts with yourself or colleagues. Our team will also provide a formal quote with pricing and suggested feeders for your production needs.

Share Your Equipment Plan

Fill out the form below to share recommendations, equipment layouts, and get a quote.

Questions? Reach out directly via or call 215-830-1200.